What We Serve

From corporate to casual style, all available to cater to your needs.

We aim to tell you story with designs that speak for itself.

Legal, technical, journalistic… our dedicated translation unit can serve you more.

A keen eye for capturing best moments

Bringing you fascinating story through video or motion graphics

Level up promotion with attractive website

About Us
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
Officially established in 2008, our venture in communications has actually started before with offering of copywriting services from one client to another until we grow into a one-stop solution communications agency like we are today, serving and producing a range of communications products that we hope can deliver added value to our clients and strike a chord with many.

What We Create

Annual Report
Comprehensive reporting based on up-to-date regulations, both mandatory and supplementary, from OJK and Minister of SOE regulations, to ARA and Asean CG Scorecards.

Sustainability Report
Critical analysis of economic, social, and environmental data to be developed as a report according to GRI standard.

PKBL (Comdev Report)
Dedicated report on partnership and community development activities tailored to stakeholders’ interest and needs.

Corporate magazine or newsletters written to entice readers and higlight important events.

Other Publications
From standard corporate report to bulletin and csr book, limitless products are ready to explore.

Customized calendar design with captivating quotes to grab your attention.

Merch & Logo Design
Branding tools to elevate image, bringing uniqueness with powerful copywriting and design.

Season’s Greeting
Tailor-made greeting cards for any occasion.

Video Report
Attractive report made with animation to engage viewers

Customized website for various purposes with dynamic content and graphics
Why Kriya
15 Years of Experience in the Strategic Communications Industry

430+ Annual report produced
40+ Sustainability report generated

Certified copywriter & translator

Sworn translator for legal documents

Full-time in-house teams

Dedicated cover designer and layouter

Specialized practitioners to add more value

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)
Bronze Stevie Winner at The 2021 International Business Awards by Stevie Award – USA

PT Nindya Karya (Persero) & PT Asabri (Persero)
2nd Runner Up at The Annual Report Award

PT Multi Terminal Indonesia
Gold Winner at The 2020 Spotlight Award by League of American Communications Professionals LLC (LACP) – USA

DPLK BRI, PT Taspen (Persero), Bank Sinarmas
2nd Runner Up, 1st Runner Up, and 2nd Runner Up at The Annual Report Award
Our Portfolios
Achievement Unlocked
From the start, we strive to prepare report with careful planning and execution while engaging our clients with meaningful discussion to create stand out products. Expertise meets collaboration is the key.
Our Precious Clients